
1 Generalities
 1.1 Notations
 1.2 Compiler options
  1.2.1 -DO_TRACE
 1.3 Use LYRIC
  1.3.1 Linux/Unix with GNU auto-conf/make
2 Containers
 2.1 Array1D
 2.2 Vector
 2.3 Circreg
 2.4 List
 2.5 Stack
 2.6 Queue
 2.7 Deque
 2.8 Map
 2.9 String
  2.9.1 String::SubId
 2.10 Path
  2.10.1 Path::Property
3 Date & Time
 3.1 Chronometer
 3.2 Chronometer::Unit
 3.3 Date
  3.3.1 Date::String
  3.3.2 Date::WeekDay
  3.3.3 Date::Month
 3.4 Time
 3.5 Duration
4 Libraries
 4.1 Dynlib
5 Information
 5.1 System
 5.2 Hardware
6 Miscellaneous
 6.1 Defines
 6.2 Types
  6.2.1 fastmemops
 6.3 Tracer
 6.4 Regexp
  6.4.1 Regexp::Property
 6.5 Random
 6.6 Range
  6.6.1 Range::Extrem
 6.7 Version
7 Concurrency
 7.1 Atomic::Counter
 7.2 Handle
8 Input, Output
 8.1 Filesys
9 Exceptions
 9.1 Assert
 9.2 Exception
 9.3 Exception::Memory
 9.4 Exception::Memory::Range
 9.5 Exception::Memory::Alloc
 9.6 Exception::Memory::Move
10 Developer Classes
 10.1 Memory1D
 10.2 Memory
A Download, Build, Install
 A.1 Download
 A.2 Build and Install on Linux/Unix
 A.3 Build and Install on Windows with Visual Studio C++ 6
B Solaris, Shared Library, GCC
C Terms and Conditions