8.1 Filesys

The Filesys class is designed for file system manipulation.


  #include <lyric/Filesys.hpp>
  class Filesys
    #include <lyric/Filesys.Permission.hpp>
    #include <lyric/Filesys.Owner.hpp>
    #include <lyric/Filesys.Entry.hpp>
    #include <lyric/Filesys.File.hpp>
    #include <lyric/Filesys.Link.hpp>
    #include <lyric/Filesys.Symlink.hpp>
    #include <lyric/Filesys.Directory.hpp>
    #include <lyric/Filesys.Devchar.hpp>
    #include <lyric/Filesys.Devblock.hpp>
    #include <lyric/Filesys.Fifo.hpp>
    #include <lyric/Filesys.Socket.hpp>
    EXI ~Filesys ();
    EXI Filesys ();
    EXI Filesys (const Filesys& fs);
    EXI Filesys& operator = (const Filesys& fs);
    EXI Path cwd () const;
    EXI bool exist (const Path& path) const;
    EXI bool access (const ::File::Access& mode, const Path& path) const;
    EXI ::File::Size size (const Path& path) const;
    EXI Entry::Type type (const Path& path) const;
    EXI void create (const Entry& entry)
      throw (Exception::Filesys::Create);
    EXI void create (::File& file)
      throw (Exception::File::Create);
    EXI void create (::File& file, const ::File::Permission& perm)
      throw (Exception::File::Create);
    EXI void erase (const Path& path)
      throw (Exception::File::Remove);
    EXI void remove (const Path& path)
      throw (Exception::File::Remove);
    EXI void unlink (const Path& path)
      throw (Exception::File::Remove);
    // To split documentation about each entry type
    EXI void create (const File& entry)
      throw (Exception::Filesys::Create);
    EXI void create (const Directory& entry)
      throw (Exception::Filesys::Create);
    void create (const Link& entry)
      throw (Exception::Filesys::Create);
    void create (const Symlink& entry)
      throw (Exception::Filesys::Create);
    void create (const Devchar& entry)
      throw (Exception::Filesys::Create);
    void create (const Devblock& entry)
      throw (Exception::Filesys::Create);
    void create (const Fifo& entry)
      throw (Exception::Filesys::Create);
    void create (const Socket& entry)
      throw (Exception::Filesys::Create);


˜Filesys ()

void create (const Filesys::File& entry)
Creates the regular file described in entry in this filesystem.
|\ Exception::Filesys::Create
is thrown if the file creation fails.
The exception’s reason field (exception.reason()) describes the reason of failure (Exception::Filesys:: prefix must be added):
<> Exist
if entry.path() already exists.
<> Permission
if the parent directory does not allow write permission to the process, or one of the directories in entry.path() did not allow search (execute) permission.
<> Name
if entry.path() is too long.
<> Incomplete
if a directory component in entry.path() does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link.
<> Directory
if a component used as a directory in entry.path() is not, in fact, a directory.
<> Write
if entry.path() refers to a file on a read-only filesystem.
<> Loop
if too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving entry.path().
<> Space
if the device containing entry.path() has no room for the new file, or the user’s disk quota is exhausted.
<> Memory
if insufficent kernel memory was available.

void create (const Filesys::Directory& entry)
Create the directory described in entry in this file system.
|\ Exception::Filesys::Create
is thrown if the directory creation fails.
The exception’s reason field (exception.reason()) describes the reason of failure (Exception::Filesys:: prefix must be added):
<> Support
if the filesystem containing entry.path() does not support the creation of directories.
<> Exist
if entry.path() already exists (not necessarily as a directory). This includes the case where entry.path() is a symbolic link, dangling or not.
<> Permission
if the parent directory does not allow write permission to the process, or one of the directories in entry.path() did not allow search (execute) permission.
<> Name
if entry.path() is too long.
<> Incomplete
if a directory component in entry.path() does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link.
<> Directory
if a component used as a directory in entry.path() is not, in fact, a directory.
<> Memory
if insufficent kernel memory was available.
<> Write
if entry.path() refers to a directory on a read-only filesystem.
<> Loop
if too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving entry.path().
<> Space
if the device containing entry.path() has no room for the new directory, or the user’s disk quota is exhausted.

void create (const Filesys::Link& entry)
Creates the link described in entry in this file system.
|\ Exception::Filesys::Create
is thrown if the link creation fails.
The exception’s path field (exception.path()) contains the link as a string of the form "entry.path() -> entry.link()". This string can be tokenized (see the String class, Section 2.9) to get the two parts, using delimiter " -> ".
The exception’s reason field (exception.reason()) describes the reason of failure (Exception::Filesys:: prefix must be added):
<> Device
if entry.path() and entry.link() are not on the same file system.
<> Support
if the file system containing entry.path() and entry.link() does not support the creation of hard links.
<> Permission
if the parent directory does not allow write permission to the process, or one of the directories in entry.path() or entry.link() did not allow search (execute) permission.
<> Name
if entry.path() or entry.link() is too long.
<> Incomplete
if a directory component in entry.path() or entry.path() does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link.
<> Directory
if a component used as a directory in entry.path() or entry.path() is not, in fact, a directory.
<> Memory
if insufficent kernel memory was available.
<> Write
if entry.path() refers to a file on a read-only filesystem.
<> Exist
if entry.path() already exists.
<> Limit
if entry.link() already has the maximum number of links to it.
<> Loop
if too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving entry.path() or entry.link().
<> Space
if the device containing entry.path() has no room for the new file, or the user’s disk quota is exhausted.
<> Unknown
if an unspecified I/O error occured.

void create (const Filesys::Symlink& entry)
Creates the link described in entry in this file system.
|\ Exception::Filesys::Create
is thrown if the symbolic link creation fails.
The exception’s path field (exception.path()) contains the link as a string of the form "entry.path() -> entry.link()". This string can be tokenized (see the String class, Section 2.9) to get the two parts, using delimiter " -> ".
The exception’s reason field (exception.reason()) describes the reason of failure (Exception::Filesys:: prefix must be added):
<> Support
if the file system containing entry.path() and entry.link() does not support the creation of hard links.
<> Permission
if the parent directory does not allow write permission to the process, or one of the directories in entry.path() did not allow search (execute) permission.
<> Name
if entry.path() is too long.
<> Incomplete
if a directory component in entry.path() does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link or entry.link() is the empty string.
<> Directory
if a component used as a directory in entry.path() is not, in fact, a directory.
<> Memory
if insufficent kernel memory was available.
<> Write
if entry.path() refers to a file on a read-only filesystem.
<> Exist
if entry.path() already exists.
<> Loop
if too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving entry.path().
<> Space
if the device containing entry.path() has no room for the new file, or the user’s disk quota is exhausted.
<> Unknown
if an unspecified I/O error occured.

void create (const Filesys::Devchar& entry)
Creates the character device node described by entry in this file system.
|\ Exception::Filesys::Create
is thrown if the character device node creation fails.
The exception’s reason field (exception.reason()) describes the reason of failure (Exception::Filesys:: prefix must be added):
<> Support
if the caller is not the super user or if the file system specified in entry.path() does not support the creation of character device nodes.
<> Exist
if entry.path() already exists.
<> Permission
if the parent directory does not allow write permission to the process, or one of the directories in entry.path() did not allow search (execute) permission.
<> Name
if entry.path() is too long.
<> Incomplete
if a directory component in entry.path() does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link.
<> Directory
if a component used as a directory in entry.path() is not, in fact, a directory.
<> Memory
if insufficent kernel memory was available.
<> Write
if entry.path() refers to a file on a read-only filesystem.
<> Loop
if too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving entry.path().
<> Space
if the device containing entry.path() has no room for the new file, or the user’s disk quota is exhausted.

void create (const Filesys::Devblock& entry)
Creates the block device node described by entry in this file system.
|\ Exception::Filesys::Create
is thrown if the block device node creation fails.
The exception’s reason field (exception.reason()) describes the reason of failure (Exception::Filesys:: prefix must be added):
<> Support
if the caller is not the super user or if the file system specified in entry.path() does not support the creation of block device nodes.
<> Exist
if entry.path() already exists.
<> Permission
if the parent directory does not allow write permission to the process, or one of the directories in entry.path() did not allow search (execute) permission.
<> Name
if entry.path() is too long.
<> Incomplete
if a directory component in entry.path() does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link.
<> Directory
if a component used as a directory in entry.path() is not, in fact, a directory.
<> Memory
if insufficent kernel memory was available.
<> Write
if entry.path() refers to a file on a read-only filesystem.
<> Loop
if too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving entry.path().
<> Space
if the device containing entry.path() has no room for the new file, or the user’s disk quota is exhausted.

void create (const Filesys::Fifo& entry)
Creates the fifo node described by entry in this file system.
|\ Exception::Filesys::Create
is thrown if the fifo node creation fails.
The exception’s reason field (exception.reason()) describes the reason of failure (Exception::Filesys:: prefix must be added):
<> Support
if the caller is not the super user or if the file system specified in entry.path() does not support the creation of fifo nodes.
<> Exist
if entry.path() already exists.
<> Permission
if the parent directory does not allow write permission to the process, or one of the directories in entry.path() did not allow search (execute) permission.
<> Name
if entry.path() is too long.
<> Incomplete
if a directory component in entry.path() does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link.
<> Directory
if a component used as a directory in entry.path() is not, in fact, a directory.
<> Memory
if insufficent kernel memory was available.
<> Write
if entry.path() refers to a file on a read-only filesystem.
<> Loop
if too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving entry.path().
<> Space
if the device containing entry.path() has no room for the new file, or the user’s disk quota is exhausted.