5.1 System

The System class provides methods for geting system informations. Unix users will recognize informations looking like what the uname command returns. Of course, on Unix systems this class is implemented using the uname system call.

On Windows platforms this class tries to provide the same information, or at least the same outputs, but using different system calls, since there is no uname API provided by Microsoft.


  #include <lyric/System.hpp>
  class System
    ~System ();
    System ();
    System (const System& system);
    System& operator = (const System& system);
    const String& name () const;
    const String& release () const;
    const String& version () const;
    const String& machine () const;


˜System ()
Destroy this system information, releasing eventually reserved memory. All stored items are destroyed.

System ()
Construct this system information, grabing the system informations using available system calls.

System (const System& system)
Construct this system information from the given system. The current implementation actually grabs the system informations again, but on the same system both system and this should contain the same information at the end.

System& operator = (const System& system)
Assign the given system information to this, and returns a reference to this for assignment chaining. The current implementation actually grabs the system informations again, but on the same system both system and this should contain the same information at the end.

const String& name () const
Return the stored system name. Table 5.1 illustrates the returned values.

Operating SystemReturn

Linux Linux
Solaris Solaris
Windows 95/98/MEWindows 9x
Windows NT/2000 Windows NT

Table 5.1: Values returned by System::name().

const String& release () const
Return the release number string of this system. Release numbers are given in major.minor.micro format. The returned string can be assigned as is to an object of class Version (see Section 6.7).

const String& version () const
Return the version string of this system.

function[const]const String&machine Return the machine identification string of this system.