A.2 Build and Install on Linux/Unix

Once the lyric-src-release.tar.gz is donwloaded you can extract the archive with

tar -zxf lyric-src-release.tar.gz

This will create a directory lyric-src-release, where you can find all the sources, ports, scripts, and configuration stuff. Go to this directory with

cd lyric-src-release

First you must configure the package with


Simply running the configuration script will configure LYRIC to be built with default settings and have the final package installed under /usr/local. If you want to change configuration execute

./configure --help

to get help about the different configuration options that can be set.

Finally build and install the library with

make install

If you chose the default installation parameters you will find LYRIC’s header files under


and the various libraries under


The build and install produce two releases of LYRIC, each of them linked as static or dynamic library

Static link of the optimized release, without range checking and debug features.
Dynamic link of the optimized release, without range checking and debug features.
Static link of the debug release, with range checking and debug features.
Dynamic link of the debug release, with range checking and debug features.