10.1 Memory1D

The Memory1D class is a templated class to handle 1 dimensional memory. It basically allows to allocate and deallocate memory chunks, and provides an item based [...] access operator. The whole class is item based. This means that all sizes and positions (indexes) are interpreted as number of items.

Memory1D was designed to be the base class for all 1 dimensional containers. Thus it provides a very simplified public interface (construction, destruction, and data access), and a more complete set of protected functions, which allow derived classes to do their job.


  #include <lyric/Memory1D.hpp>
  template <class MIT>
  class Memory1D : private Memory<MIT>
    ~Memory1D ();
    Memory1D ();
    Memory1D (const Memory1D& block)
      throw (Exception::Memory::Alloc);
    Memory1D (Size size)
      throw (Exception::Memory::Alloc);
    MIT& operator [] (Size index)
      throw (Exception::Memory::Range);
    const MIT& operator [] (Size index) const
      throw (Exception::Memory::Range);
    Size size () const;
    void create (Size size)
      throw (Exception::Memory::Alloc);
    void create (Size size, const MIT* items)
      throw (Exception::Memory::Alloc);
    void resize (Size newsize)
      throw (Exception::Memory::Alloc);
    void destroy ();
    void fill (const MIT& item);
    void clone (const Memory1D& block)
      throw (Exception::Memory::Alloc);
    void move (Size size, Size src, Size dest)
      throw (Exception::Memory::Move);
    Memory1D<MIT> & operator = (const Memory1D& block)
      throw (Exception::Memory::Alloc);


˜Memory1D ()
Destroys this container. Releases all memory resources used by this container and the stored items.

Memory1D ()
Constructs this container as an empty container. Its size is set to zero and no space to store items is allocated.

Memory1D (const Memory1D& block)
Constructs this container from the given block container. All properties and items stored in the block container are copied into this container.
|\ Exception::Memory::Alloc
is thrown if not enough memory is found to store block.size() items in this container.

Memory1D (Size size)
Constructs this container with the gien initial size. The size is set and space to store size items is allocated.
|\ Exception::Memory::Alloc
is thrown if not enough memory is found to store size items in this container.

MIT& operator [...] (Size index)
Returns a reference to the item stored at position index in this container. This operator can be used as left or right hand value. This means one can as well read as write an item in this container.
|\ Exception::Memory::Range
is thrown if the given index is out of this container’s size, and only if the -DO_RANGE_CHECK is given to the compiler, resp. if O_RANGE_CHECK is defined.

const MIT& operator [...] (Size index) const
Returns an immutable reference to the item stored at position index in this container. This operator can only be used as right hand value. This means one can only read an item from this container.
|\ Exception::Memory::Range
is thrown if the given index is out of this container’s size, and only if the -DO_RANGE_CHECK is given to the compiler, resp. if O_RANGE_CHECK is defined.

Size size () const
Returns the number of items this container can store.

void create (Size size)
Creates this container with the new given size. This operation is destructive in the sense that items previously stored in this are deleted.
|\ Exception::Memory::Alloc
is thrown if not enough memory is found to store size items.

void create (Size size, const MIT* items)
Creates this container from a memory block pointed by items, with a given size. This function first reserves memory for size items, then copies size items from the memory block pointed by items into this container. This function is provided to clone C like containers into LYRIC like containers.
|\ Exception::Memory::Alloc
is thrown if not enough memory is found to store size items.

void resize (Size newsize)
Resizes this container such that it can store newsize items. This method is only destructive as far as the new size is smaller than the size this container was before the call. In this case only items from zero to newsize are kept in this container. During execution of this method items are eventually copied around. However LYRIC’s implementation is optimized with fast memory copies when it can thanks to the fastmemops function, it will copy items in C++ fashion, eventually using a lot of temporary memory and CPU resources.
|\ Exception::Memory::Alloc
is thrown if not enough memory is found to store newsize items.

void destroy ()
Destroys all items stored in this container. This method releases memory resources and sets the size to zero. The C++ object itself is not destroyed, and can be reused after having called the create method.

void fill (const MIT& item)
Sets all items stored in this container to the given item value.

void clone (const Memory1D& block)
Clones the given memory block container into this container. All properties and items stored in block are copied into this container.
|\ Exception::Memory::Alloc
is thrown if not enough memory is found to store block.size() items.

void move (Size size, Size src, Size dest)
Moves size items from the src index to the dest index in this container. LYRIC checks if dest>src or src>dest to decide if it does a left-to-right or a right-to-left copy, in order to not loose items during the move process.
|\ Exception::Memory::Move
is thrown if dest+size>this.size(), or if src+size>this.size(), depending whether dest>src or src>dest.